I came across the BlueVoda website builder purely by accident but it turned out to be the most helpful tool I have to advertise my business. I had previously entered into the world of real estate and by the time I had applied for my licenses and set up an office there was very little money left to pay a professional webmaster to create website for me.
After surfing Google looking for alternative options I found it was possible to create website myself but by the time I had come across BlueVoda website builder, I was on my fifth download of software that is meant to teach you how to make a website. All the other create website editors were very basic, they insisted on a huge amount of money to get rid of ads on the website, they were limitless in their features and abilities and they really did not teach you how to make a website. They more or less gave you the software to create website and that was it.
I downloaded BlueVoda website builder whilst I was on the verge of desperation and at first thought it was too good to be true. I actually spent the first two hours looking for a catch, when I couldn’t find one I set about learning how to make a website and within a day I was able to create website. All I had to do was buy the hosting account and with a couple of clicks my website was live on the big world-wide web.
website builder
The BlueVoda create website software had online video tutorials on how to make a website that you can play and pause at your own pace. Absolutely everything I needed to know about create website was there. I now have the online tutorials and BlueVoda website builder forum bookmarked as there is too much information to take in all at once. The BlueVoda website builder definitely does teach you how to make a website.
Learning how to make a website with the BlueVoda website builder meant I could create website with contact forms, moving picture galleries for each single house that I was selling, I was even able to inset a mortgage calculator and all this was something I thought only professional webmasters could do.
I used the templates, images and logos that BlueVoda website builder supplied and through the BlueVoda website builder forum discovered a couple of other tricks to make my website even better than my competitors. Learning how to make a website was turning out to be fun and something that I could seriously become addicted to.
I love that I learned how to name my pages and optimize them so that Google would pick my website up quicker. I am now on page 1 of Google for my primary keyword and all this because of BlueVoda website builder teaching me how to make a website.
The number one benefit that the BlueVoda website builder brings to me is that anytime I want to make a change to my website then I have the freedom and ability to do so. As I am always looking for new ideas on how to make a website, very often I will comes across some new plug-ins or add-ons and this BlueVoda create website software allows me to go straight into the user panel and insert them within one click.
I can say without hesitation that I am 150% happy with this BlueVoda create website software. I am that impressed with the websites that I can create so I am going to make a second site because I found out that I can add it to my hosting account at no extra charge.
My plan is to have one site that will concentrate on selling and another one that will concentrate on renting. A website is in fact one of the best forms of advertising, I learned how to make a website for free and this is all thanks to BlueVoda website builder.