The dawn of digital marketing started several years ago. Businesses now have web sites of their own to proclaim their presence on the Internet and to gain more exposure and clientele. If you don’t have a website for your business as yet, then you can get left out in the marketing race. To create a web site for your business or for personal use, you can use the services of a web design firm if you don’t know how to make a website by yourself. Or you can choose to do it by yourself. You will then need a good html editor tool to do the web page design to create a web site.
There are training courses that teach you how to make your own website. But you can learn by yourself by using good web page design tool and html editor software. The commercial html editor tools like Dreamweaver and Expression Web, Coffee Cup, etc. cost several hundreds of dollars in license fees for each.
BlueVoda is a freeware html editor tool that can be used to create website. It is from VodaHost, the web hosting company which has been in business for several years now. Downloading and installing BlueVoda html editor is very quick because the download size is only 5 MB.
When starting to use BlueVoda html editor for your web page design, you can use the friendly labeled toolbar buttons as a guide to create a web site. Just you need to drag and drop any buttons that are needed onto the web page you are building. Then BlueVoda html editor used for web page design auto-magically builds all the HTML code for you. This automatically generated code is fully compliant with W3C standards for HTML code. You can also choose to tweak or change the code that got generated by BlueVoda html editor. To do this, simply right click on any HTML object, and then choose the “HTML properties…” option to view and/or change the automatic code.
When doing web page design using BlueVoda html editor you can include any or all of the possible web page objects like ad banners, tables, forms, blogs, guestbooks, flash clips, video files, etc. By dragging and dropping the appropriate toolbar buttons on to the web page you are on, you can use any or all of these features in this BlueVoda html editor tool.
When using BlueVoda html editor, you will also find that, this software can run on basic Windows home PC systems without any qualms. It also does not demand outrageous system resources for doing web page design work, like the other html editor tools.
The code generated by BlueVoda html editor does not contain junk or bloated code as is often found in other html editor tools.
creating website
If you are going to sell your products or services on your website, you can add PayPal payment buttons when doing your web page design using BlueVoda html editor. This will allow your visitors to pay you through PayPal to access your products or services. This is simple electronic commerce function. You can upgrade to another higher shopping cart later if you will need it.
BlueVoda html editor is great for web page design for your sales pages and landing pages. If you are an author of an eBook you can use BlueVoda to design your sales page and landing pages complete with opt-in email boxes and Clickbank and PayPal Pay now links.
There are video tutorials also available when you are using BlueVoda html editor for your web page design needs. These explain how to perform the most common tasks of web page design using BlueVoda html editor tool.
When you are using BlueVoda html editor, you also get access to a helpful support forum where you can discuss how you are using BlueVoda html editor for your web page design, with other people who are also using BlueVoda. You can also ask your questions and support queries there.
If you don’t have the time or inclination to learn web page design by using BlueVoda then you can also download the free website templates that are available in BlueVoda website, which you can use in your own web page design projects. You don’t need to pay anything for using these even for your commercial needs.
BlueVoda and VodaHost have been around for many years in the web design business, so they know what it takes to make a professional piece of web page design and html editor tool. There are many customers of VodaHost who have successfully used BlueVoda html editor for their web page design and website design needs, as evidenced by the tons of testimonials that BlueVoda has got behind it.
Once you achieve some perfection in doing web page design by using BlueVoda html editor, then you can do web page design work for other peoples’ websites. That way, you can earn some extra cash and income for work during your spare times. In fact you can start your own web page design business working from home, by using the free BlueVoda html editor tool.
When you are using BlueVoda html editor for your web page design needs, you can save many hundreds of dollars that you will otherwise be paying to hire a web design firm. You can do web page design by yourself using this free BlueVoda html editor software tool and you can even have some fun doing it. BlueVoda html editor has no learning curve if at all, because it has very simple design that is intuitive and understandable easily with little effort on your part.
The free BlueVoda html editor/web page design software supports all the features and functions available in all the other web page design/html editor tools available in the market today.
To start using BlueVoda html editor for your web page design, simply visit the website, download the free software by entering your email address, and get going on your web page design projects!