The internet is an interesting place with the many websites providing a whale of information. What enthralls me even more is website creation. I always thought so much of time, effort and work was involved to design website. However this was until I came across the great, free website builder, BlueVoda.
BlueVoda is a website builder that really amazes me even now. Website creation seems so simple with BlueVoda as unlike other website builder, there is no need of having any HTML knowledge to use it.
Anyone can use BlueVoda to design website for any business with its drag and drop interface. This drag and drop interface means that you just have to choose the different elements of a web page, and drag and drop it wherever you want to design website.
I just had to drag and drop the images and text as per the requirements for my website creation for my online candle business. The built-in HTML code in the website builder helps with the customization of my website creation.
Though I had no need of it, if you want, you can easily create password recovery, user logins and signup forms when you design website with this website builder, if you plan on using PHP forms when you design website.
In addition to this, I was really surprised and amazed with the fact that it is possible to easily insert flash videos and image galleries when you design website with BlueVoda, to enhance your website creation. This made it easy for me to insert all those pictures and videos I had of all my candles to my website creation.
website creation
As my online candle business is involved in trade, I needed to design website with shopping facilities. And this was easily provided to me through the web shop feature of this terrific website builder, BlueVoda.
An additional feature I have to mention about this great website builder is the fact that it comes with a built-in spell checker, a self alignment tool and a link verifier to use in your website creation. These features ensured that I design website without any errors.
Moreover, if you have trouble thinking of the right design website to use for your website, you just have to turn to the hundreds of free web templates available with the website builder for help, like I did.
I just had to choose the web template I thought was best for my website creation, and with the help of the clear video tutorials of the website builder, I created a really professional looking website.
Though I did come across a few stumbles while I design website, all my doubts and queries were cleared thought the BlueVoda forums. I just had to post my doubt about my website creation, and within no time at all, they were cleared.
Though some people may consider the fact that you have to use only BlueVoda web hosting services to host the website creation from this website builder, I thought it was a blessing in disguise for me. It rid me of spending time, money and effort hiring an independent web host to host my website. Moreover VodaHost let me upload my website as soon as it was completed.