For all my web site design assignments I prefer using BlueVoda web site design software with which I can design my own web site in as less as 30 minutes only. It is true that earlier I used to take a couple of hours as I was not that good in computers and had no experience of internet and World Wide Web. Since I got this part time job where I have to design my own web sites I developed interest in everything that includes the internet and browsing. Now that I have already made more than a dozen sites it seems pretty simple to me to design my own web site without use of any html editor.
BlueVoda web site design software can be used to learn how to make a website as well. I never went to anyone for guidance or assistance during my learning process of how to make your own website. At the beginning I could never even think that I would design my own web site but as the times passed I started to learn everything through the video tutorials that are available on the internet. It not only takes the video tutorials to build knowledge about how to create a web site rather it also requires constant and regular use of the BlueVoda web site design software for lookout of its tools and components. That is exactly how I learned how to design my own web site.
As I design my own web site I found out that beside the BlueVoda web site design software you also need to learn different software if you need to include any external elements in your web site. Like for flash files you need to learn building a flash file otherwise you can also include an already built flash file using BlueVoda web site design software. Same is true for all other formats and media files while you use BlueVoda web site design software. If you are unable to build any of the external elements you can easily find the closest of your choice and put it instead of making a new file of your own in your web site design.
web site designs
To show the simplicity and the ease BlueVoda web site design software extends towards its users to create website let us take the example of creating a Logo through BlueVoda web site design. This was one of the first tasks that I learned to design my own web site. To create a Logo first of all you must ensure that you have BlueVoda web site design software installed and running on your machine. After opening the BlueVoda web site design software open the page on which you need to make a Logo.
I still go for Logo design at the beginning whenever I have to design my own web site at my own. After you are at the web page where you need to put a Logo for your web site design, just click on the Logo icon which is located on bottom of the left side toolbar. As soon as you click the Logo maker a window will appear in on the web page which you can drag and drop anywhere on the web site design of your webpage. You can also resize it by using the external handles which are located at every corner of the Logo window. These external handles have always helped me design my own web site with ease and comfort.
To get the Properties of the Logo window you must double click on the same to open the configuration window dialogue of your web site design. I personally am favor of configuring one Logo before going onto the other one in case there are more than one Logos on my webpage when I design my own web site. This configuration window dialogue seems little difficult to handle but as soon as you know what all the tags and values mean you will find out that it is a very simple and handy tool to create a Logo of your own choice without getting into any hassle of creating a Logo externally and then importing it on to your web site design webpage.
As soon as you are in the Logo Properties of BlueVoda web site design, you will see that there are basically four portions of this Properties window. These portions are Text, Logo, Fill Effects and the Preview sections. First of all you must enter the text in front of the Logo Text. Then you can decide the Font Type, Font Size, Vertical And Horizontal Alignment, attributes like Bold Italic Underline And Strikethrough, Text Border, Shadow Offset in ‘X’ and ‘Y’ axis and Shadow Transparency options of your web site design. All these options in the BlueVoda web site design are the basic options which any composing and formatting software provides to its users and should not bother anyone unless someone is really a new in the world of computers and internet. I personally never had problem with any of these options while I used to design my own web site.
When I design my own web site as soon as I am through with the text attributes and Properties then the first thing I do is to fiddle with the Logo part of the Logo Properties window in my BlueVoda web site design software. This part includes the Properties in the form of Shape, Border Size, Alias, Shadow Offset in ‘X’ and ‘Y’ axis and Shadow Transparency of your web site design. These are almost same sort of Properties which you can apply and disable to watch the difference they make in the shape and kind of the Logo. I also learned this same way while I used to design my own web site through BlueVoda web site design software.
The third portion of the BlueVoda web site design software logo properties window is bit tricky yet simple to handle and it is Fill Effects which has further four portions in the form of Background, Border, Text and Text Border. All these effects need to be verified by you through trials in the BlueVoda web site design software. They provide Properties in the same format which are visible on the window in the form of Fill Effects, different styles of the effect in the form of Gradient and Hatch in general and Color settings in the form of Start Color and End Color. The effects are categorized in to very basic and simple themes in the form of Solid, Hatch, Texture, Linear Gradient and Path Gradient. The Gradient is enabled for alteration whenever it is applicable and unavailable when it is not. The Hatch style is very vast in its applicability and you can see for yourself that there is almost every style of hatch that you can think of.
All the changes that you make in your web site design can be easily observed in the Preview window at the bottom of the Logo Properties window. The preview is shown instantaneously without any delay or requirement to refresh the view which is really a wonderful favor by the BlueVoda web site design software. Whereas most of the other web site design software does not provide this Preview window and even if they do so then it often requires resetting or refresh of the display or any other item which is involved in the preview of the Logo or image under consideration. I personally really enjoyed and fully utilized this preview option whenever I had to design my own web site.
Click OK after you have completed this Logo Properties window and observed its preview as well. This will take you back to the web site design webpage that you have created. The Logo will appear on the BlueVoda web site design webpage just as you require it to be. Now you can finally place it at its final position as I used to do while I design my own web site and lock it with right click so that it is not moved accidentally at any stage of your web site design.