Eight months ago John lost his job and through surfing the internet found that there was a huge demand for freelance writers. He really enjoyed writing as a profession but he needed to create website to market himself and include a portfolio with more information for customers. However, as he was unemployed and had no budget he was unable to have a website made for him.
John decided to learn how to make a website on his own so he downloaded the BlueVoda website builder for free. At first he spent a lot of time on the BlueVoda website builder forum asking questions from the other members on how to make a website. He then set about starting to create website with what he had leant and with the help of the BlueVoda tutorials on how to make a website. After a week he asked everyone to review the site that he had made and many felt John had definitely made good use of all the features to create website that was really eye-catching.
website builder
He had moving image modules and a chat facility so potential customers could talk to him immediately. He had also integrated PayPal so he could take payments online and he had made a state of the art menu bar. He had also taken images and a logo from the BlueVoda website builder create website image gallery and had made a couple of adjustment to them, of course he had also used the features to make sure search engines could see his site properly which was really going to help get it noticed. John had definitely learnt how to make a website to a high standard.
For a while John seemed to disappear from the BlueVoda website builder forum however he resurfaced again last month and his business is booming. He is high up Google and has ten permanent freelance writing contracts. He had picked up a lot of trade from freelancing sites and it was because he was able to show the potential buyers his website.
John feels that life is better now than when he was employed. He gets to work his own hours and is getting paid nearly double than what he was before. John believes all his success is down to the BlueVoda website builder as it allowed him to create website and learn how to make a website for free. True, John did all the “hard work”, all BlueVoda website builder did was give him the tools to do it.