I have been trying to settle for a competent HTML editor and website builder that is user friendly and will give me the best website maker results. Thanks heavens for BlueVoda because it offered me both of these website maker things. BlueVoda is a website builder that does not require me to have any programming knowledge and to top it all it comes with an FTP client that easily allows me to upload my build website work to a server, however, newer website maker versions allow me to simply click on a few buttons and it can easily be viewed by anyone willing to see it. There are a number of website builder versions I can choose from, can build website pages from scratch or even update an existing site and all this by simply using the ‘drag and drop’ technique. If you are looking to build website content easily and it still looks professional, then BlueVoda website builder is the way to go.
One of the top things is the fact that BlueVoda website builder software is absolutely free and all I had to do was visit their site, click on ‘download’ and I was good to go. Our family has used it to work on business sites and build website school projects, and each project took about 30 minutes to complete. The reason for this is the fact that there is a website builder template that you can use and you simply drag and drop the text, image and multimedia files you would use to build website content. This website maker took a load off our shoulders in many instances. This means that my site can be as complex or simple as I choose it to be but either way, BlueVoda website maker allows me to add or subtract build website content at any time.
website builder
If you feel that you are completely stumped and may need website builder help, although I highly doubt it, you can simply watch the tutorials on their website builder site where you will learn how to add website maker hyperlinks, all about HTML language and adding certain build website features on the site. From the build website web tutorials, I learnt how to add a guestbook to the site, how to add on chat features, add flash items and also movie clips through the website maker, how to make a logo for the site, tips on how to upgrade an already existing site using BlueVoda website maker, publishing my build website pages over the internet, how to use the BlueFTP feature on the website maker and also create a sitemap so that Google, the best search engine around, can index my site.
On the same BlueVoda website make help site, you will be able to read forums that show to use build website shortcuts and tricks that you can use to add on. You will also be able to contact them through the forums if you have any website maker problems and, what’s more, their website builder customer service staff was ever so friendly to any queries I had. It is true that BlueVoda is the world’s best website builder.