I needed to know how to create website as I had just re-entered the market as a freelance writer. Thanks to the Internet the competition is a lot greater than ever before. I could not afford to employ a professional site builder so I needed to learn how to build a website.
I know when it comes to the Internet that Google is king so I searched Google to learn how to build a website. The search results that came back actually suggested that to create website, the simple route is to use a site builder.
I looked at a few companies that were offering a free site builder to download however in the small print, it was disclosed that your site would be covered with non relevant advertisements. Learning how to build a website was not as simple as it first seemed but then a comment on a blog lead me to look at BlueVoda to create website.
The BlueVoda site builder website said that anyone could create website within a matter of hours. They also promised that you do not need to know how to build a website as it is all done from the drag and drop user panel that you work from.
I had nothing to lose and so I downloaded the BlueVoda site builder so I could create website in the easy way, like they promised. I was delighted to come across their online tutorials which help you learn how to build a website.
build a website
I also stumbled across the BlueVoda site builder forum where I was able to meet other users who were in the process of learning how to build a website. Knowing how to create website was also boosting my social life!
Once I had read the BlueVoda site builder and forum, I felt confident enough to start to create website. Luckily BlueVoda also had a huge library of templates, logos, backgrounds and headers that I could use. It really did seem that anyone can learn how to build a website in next to no time.
I was able to create website with four pages. The fourth page was a contact form linked to my email address that allows potential clients to get in contact with me. I had learned how to build a website with my eyes virtually shut. BlueVoda site builder also allowed me to introduce some fantastic graphics to make the site look modern and professional.
Once I had managed to create website, I was very nervous about actually publishing it to the world wide web. However BlueVoda site builder even takes care of these in a couple of clicks of your mouse. There is no longer to need to learn how to build a website from scratch.
What I like most about BlueVoda site builder, is that I have complete control and do not need to ring anyone if I want to make changes. Not only have I learned how to build a website but I also am in control for the future. Create website with BlueVoda and I guarantee you will be happy with the results.