Glen owns a very large garage and worked to create website with the BlueVoda website builder to find it some new tenants. He had done various things with the space over time but never found a really good and lucrative way of making any real money from it, which had always been his plan for it. A few months ago, his garage was just storage space, sitting full of the various unused items that Glen had put in it … making no money. It was something he desperately wanted to utilize but so far nobody from the local community had expressed any interest in renting it, even after a few costly newspaper adverts. So it continued to sit, unused.
In the end it was a neighbor of Glen’s who suggested that he use the internet to advertise the garage, either create website for it or submit from a site for advertising. After all, the internet reaches the whole world, which is quite a bit more than can be said for the local paper. Glen thought that the idea of contacting an on-line advertising medium would be a good idea but Glen explained that he knew nothing about how to make a website on the internet. His neighbor replied that there must be an easy way to create website. Maybe he can use a software website builder to make a website? After all, PC software exists to make life easier, doesn’t it and there should be a software to make a website?
Glen downloaded the BlueVoda website builder in an effort to create website detailing all aspects of his garage. Pictures would be very important but he also wanted to add detailed information about the dimensions of his garage, maybe even a video for scale. So he viewed the tutorials, they provided on how to make a website as he wanted to get as much information out there about it as possible.
In using the BlueVoda website builder, Glen found it very easy to create website the way he felt it would best suit advertising his garage and he found the work to create website to be reassuringly simple. Starting to make a website from the blank workspace he had only to select a background color and decide where to put pictures, images and text. Slowly but surely, not doing anything that was at all complicated, he worked to create website with the BlueVoda website builder describing his garage space in detail. An overview page, an image page, a statistics page with all the measurements and dimensions of the garage space and a page with an embedded YouTube video taking a quick look around the garage for scale as well as the all important contact page, all came into fruition with the BlueVoda website builder. Within a day of beginning to create website, it was almost finished and within a few days, thanks to the easy uploading options to make a website and build in FTP program of the BlueVoda website builder.
He also sent his domain name to several online advertising agencies and within a few days he had received a few e-mails expressing interest in the space. He was gob-smacked, firstly at the result he had gotten but mostly at how easy it had been to create website with the BlueVoda website builder.
At this time Glens garage is rented to an automobile repair business run by a couple of brothers. Glen is extremely happy (as well as somewhat shocked) at what he has managed to accomplish with the BlueVoda website builder. In fact, he recommended the BlueVoda website builder to the new tenants of his garage to make a website and they used it themselves to create website to advertise their business but theirs is another BlueVoda website builder story.